The Zodiacal Light of a late autumn/early winter morning faintly visible amid the moonlight from the waning crescent Moon, at centre here as the brightest object, flaked by three planets: Venus the brightest below, Mars, just above the Moon, and Jupiter, the bright object at top. The Moon and three planets define the morning ecliptic line and the angle of the Zodiacal Light which follows the ecliptic. Taken from Quailway Cottage on Dec 6, 2015 when shooting Comet Catalina, from Arizona but here looking east to New Mexico. Airglow adds the bands of red colour. Spica lies just below and to the right of the Moon. (Photo by: Alan Dyer /VW PICS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
astronomia 17 Ene

Rara alineación de planetas visible en el cielo de Texas

Seis planetas: Marte, Júpiter, Urano, Neptuno, Saturno y Venus formarán un arco en el cielo nocturno. Este evento será visible hasta febrero.
